Need Help? Find a Local Satellite Installer Today!
Over 80% of Glorystar owners have self installed their Glorystar system or have had a family member, local church layperson or friend do the installation for them. If these options are not available, you can contact a local installer through listed in your local Yellow Pages or get an installer referral from www.ftainstall.com . This website provides a FREE service that helps connect satellite equipment owners to professional contractors, hobbyist and laypersons in their local area who have experience installing and servicing the selected satellite systems.
Installers listed on FTA Install have indicated that they have experience installing satellite systems and are interested in performing installations and /or service calls for owners of Glorystar Christian Satellite Service, Adventist Satellite, Free to Air, DBS, DSS or 2-way internet satellite systems. Installers may charge a fee for their professional services, request a donation be made to a group or organization, or are providing a free service to their community as an outreach or hobby. Even if you did not purchase your equipment from us, this site is for you!
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